Mental Health Information

Websites we recommend

If you require urgent mental health support, please call 111 option 2

Samaritans - Help is available, speak to someone today 24hrs 116 123


The Psychological Wellbeing Service (IAPT)

No need to see your GP just contact this free service directly with this link. 

NHS Counselling/CBT Self-Referral

 You are welcome to discuss the bsst optons with a GP if you feel you need some more guidance about what is right for you.

 PHQ-9 Asses your mood  (Patient Health Questionnaire-9)

5 steps to mental wellbeing NHS

Keep your Head

Keep Your Head brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults. 


MIND aims to provide effective and accessible services to support those recovering from mental health challenges and promote positive wellbeing across our communities, while campaigning against stigma and discrimination
They are able to offer free counselling and group therapy for example for anxiety, and anger management
Referrals can be made by phone on 01223 311 320 or by email


Every Mind Matters

The Mental Health Foundation

National Self Harm Network

No More Panic

Mood Gym


Living Life to the Full

Mind - a charity




We are always keen to see anyone with mental health problems and encourage people to come and see us to talk things through. Sometimes this can seem quite daunting for people and this prevents them from finding out what options are available. If you think or know you have mental health problems and would find it difficult talking about it sometimes it is easier to write out what you want to say or bring someone with you who can explain things for you. Sometimes someone who knows you could phone ahead and explain to the doctor what is bothering you to ensure we can understand what you need. There are many services in Cambridge available to help with different aspects of mental health care and there are also lots of resources available on line.

Therapists  in the Cambridge Area (private practice)