Nurse Led Clinics

Maternity Services
Care is led by the community midwife who will arrange booking (please call 01223 348981 business hours) antenatal bloods, scans and you do not need to see your GP. Though the midwife is the lead professional, care is also shared between the doctors and The Rosie Maternity Hospital on the Addenbrooke's site. Complicated and high risk pregnancies are referred directly for consultant led care.

Family Planning
We are pleased to advise on and provide all types of contraception, including pills, diaphragm, IUCD (coil), depot injections and implants. Please see a practice nurse. Implants and IUCDs can be fitted at the surgery by doctors with extra training in these procedures

Cervical Smears
These are done by appointment with a nurse. They should be taken midway between your periods if you have them. Screening reminders by post. These factsheets may be useful. The Facts - Cervical Screening and Cervical Cancer Awareness.

Childhood Immunisations
Routine immunisations are offered for all pre-school children.
You will be notified by post when these are due. The practice nurses run the clinic.

Smoking Cessation
We have dedicated nurses, trained in smoking cessation who can help you. They can assess your readiness to stop, discuss treatment options, and support and then follow you through to give you the help you need to make this change.

Sexual Health
At Lensfield Medical Practice we can provide full contraception advice including emergency contraception and IUD and implant fittings.
If you think you have a sexually transmitted disease or wish to have sexual health check please go to iCash Lime Tree Clinic.

Weight Loss
Here at Lensfield practice we take into account the ‘whole person’ when addressing weight advice. We understand it is emotive and a personal issue and we take an individual and holistic approach. If your weight is something that is troubling you, or that you feel confused by the array of diets and exercise regimes out there then call in to see us to discuss your concerns more fully.

Diabetic Clinic
When you have diabetes, you will benefit from certain checks, tests and services to help you get the care you need like the HbA1c blood test. These checks help to prevent serious diabetes complications, like problems with your feet, eyes, heart and kidneys.

Minor Operations
We can offer minor opertaions such as excision of problem skin lesions if medically necessary, diagnostic biopsies and other procedures. Please discuss your needs with your doctor.

These are carried out by appointment with the nurse for foreign travel or protection at home. We ask patients to wait for 20 minutes after any injection in case a reaction occurs. There is a charge for some travel vaccinations not available on the NHS.

NHS Health Checks
The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults aged 40 to 74. It's designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As we get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions.