Many people have sensibly written a Will to communicate their wishes and instructions regarding their property after they die. But it is at least as important to consider how best to communicate your wishes in the future, if you were in the situation of being alive but unable to communicate or act for yourself.
This is most important for people with serious or progressive medical conditions, and for people at high risk of medical events. But a sudden event such as a medical event or road accident could cause loss of the ability to speak or act for anyone. Therefore it is sensible for many of us, especially those over the age of 50, to consider future medical care preferences and to discuss these with trusted friends and family.
In the absence of information to the contrary, it is often the case that family, friends and medical carers will seek to escalate care when needed to treat immediate needs, which is not always appropriate. However, the resources that follow can be used to guide and instruct those caring for you so that they can act according to your wishes, rather than guessing what would be in your best interests. These statements can be updated or cancelled if your preferences change.